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CEREC Same-Day Dental Crowns – Manchester, NH

Delivering Your Dental Crown Quickly

Maybe you think the dental crown treatment process is just too long. Fair enough – waiting days or weeks for your tooth's cap can sound frustrating. With that said, you could get CEREC same-day dental crowns at our Manchester office instead. These kinds can be made and placed in just one visit, greatly streamlining your dental work. Learn more about them by reading below, or consider scheduling an appointment with us soon!

What are CEREC Same-Day Dental Crowns?

A dental technician working on a CEREC dental crown

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that can be used to address all kinds of oral health issues. Our team can attach a crown to a tooth that has been significantly damaged or weakened, thus protecting and strengthening it.

The dental crowns provided at Webster Dental Associates of Manchester are made from all ceramic materials. This makes them both durable and natural-looking; you will be able to show off your smile with confidence without having to worry about people noticing your dental work.

One thing that’s notable about dental crowns is that they can be used in many different situations. You may be eligible for a crown if:

The Process of Getting a CEREC Same-Day Dental Crown

A woman using a milling machine to make a CEREC same-day dental crown

Dentists prep teeth for same-day crowns as they would for regular kinds. In other words, they remove some of the treated tooth's enamel to ensure the crown fits well. (Most will apply local anesthetic beforehand to prevent pain.)

Every step of a CEREC crown’s creation is performed in-house. For starters, our team will make a 3D model of the prepped tooth by taking digital impressions. We’ll then send this model to our milling machine, which will craft a crown from ceramic to match your tooth’s size, shape, and color. The crafting takes about an hour and leads to a fully customized cap that fits your treatment site’s contours.

Once your CEREC same-day crown is finished, you’ll try it on to ensure it fits well. Our team will also (as needed) make some last-minute adjustments to the cap. Your crown will then be seated over your tooth, and you’ll be ready to go!

The Benefits of CEREC Crowns vs. Traditional Crowns

A smiling young woman talking with her dentist

Compared to traditional ones, CEREC same-day dental crowns offer many unique perks. These include: