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Starting a New Smile: Your First Month with Dentures

October 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — websterdental @ 5:09 am
An older woman looking at her dentures with a hand mirror

If you’ve just gotten dentures, you’ll likely want to use them at once; that’s only natural. Still, remember that you have to adjust to your new replacement teeth first. Your first month with dentures will be especially relevant due to the varied effects and changes. Luckily, your Manchester dentist can help you with this thirty-day adjustment. Here’s a primer on what’ll happen during the first month with dentures and how to adjust more quickly.

Your First Month with Dentures: What to Expect

Once you start wearing dentures, you’ll likely notice some changes over the first thirty days. These effects can be broadly sorted into the following categories:

The First 24 Hours

Your gums will feel a bit sore in your first 24 hours with dentures. During that time, the pressure from your new restorations will be unfamiliar and lead to minor aches.

You should take precautions at this point in your adjustment. For example, only eat soft foods like soup, yogurt, mashed potatoes, and smoothies; they won’t upset your gum tissues. Similarly, wear your dentures to bed – they act as a bandage for your gums on the first day.

The First Two Weeks

After the first day, you’ll see your dentist several times over two weeks. The first visit will let them remove your dentures without harming your gums.

Admittedly, you may feel dental discomfort or pain during these weeks. Some patients even develop sore spots on their gums from the dentures’ pressure. To avoid aches, you could supplement meals with a protein-rich drink.

After The First Two Weeks

By the two-week mark, you should have better adjusted to your dentures. You likely won’t have many (or any) sore spots at this juncture. Plus, eating will have gotten at least a bit easier.

If you still lisp after two weeks, don’t worry. This effect should fade as you speak with dentures more. Over time, it’ll naturally go away as you learn how to move your mouth.

How Can You Adjust More Quickly?

Of course, you can take steps to adjust to dentures more quickly. Some of the best ones include:

  • Take Small Bites – Once you’ve moved past your soft food diet, cut tough items into bite-sized pieces. They’ll be easier to chew with your back teeth.
  • Avoid Hard & Sticky Stuff – Sticky and hard foods aren’t good for dentures, as they can dislodge your new teeth.
  • Always Practice – As you speak with dentures, overcome your lisp by reading aloud and keeping a list of tricky words. These habits will make speaking easier over time.

The first month with dentures can be hard, but your prosthetics’ benefits will make it worthwhile. Keep that in mind as you adjust to your new smile!

About the Practice

Webster Dental Associates of Manchester is based in Manchester, NH. Led by Drs. Goldparvar and Vega, our practice always works to enhance patient well-being. We do so by offering a wide range of dental options, spanning preventive, cosmetic, restorative, and emergency dentistry. This setup lets you and your family get the healthiest and prettiest smiles possible! For more details or to book a visit, please reach us on our website or by phone at (603)-669-4252.

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