When your shoes don’t fit, what do you do? Hopefully you replace them as soon as possible to avoid harming your feet!
Patients should follow this line of reasoning when it comes to their dentures, too. It’s easy to think of your oral prosthetic as somehow “different” than, say, a pair of shoes, but ill-fitting dentures can be just as uncomfortable and problematic. Here’s what you might experience – and why you should contact your dentist if you do.
Sores, Blisters, and Discomfort
General discomfort is almost guaranteed when your dentures don’t sit quite right. They rest directly on top of your gums, after all. Ill-fitting dentures can slip or rub against your mouth, causing sores and blisters. This movement also irritates your gums; over time, they’ll become tender and inflamed. Not only does this make them more vulnerable to infection, but it’s also just plain painful!
Eating Difficulties and Malnutrition
Has eating been more difficult lately? It’s probably not because you’ve suddenly forgotten how to move your mouth. Dentures that shift due to improper sizing make tearing, chewing, and holding your food challenging. Even if you power-through meals despite the awkwardness, failure to sufficiently break down food can affect how well you absorb nutrients. Developing symptoms of malnutrition is a very real possibility.
Tooth and Bone Deterioration
Normally, an even bite spreads out physical stress, well, evenly. But because everything’s moving and grooving in your mouth, ill-fitting dentures change how pressure is distributed.
If you have a partial denture and some natural teeth, the imbalance could prematurely wear down your pearly whites. If you have full dentures and no remaining natural teeth, the unequal pressure will weigh on your jawbone, accelerating jawbone loss. Neither problem is something you’ll want to deal with!
Restoring Your Health and Comfort
Fortunately, you’re not stuck with ill-fitting dentures. There are a couple of things you can do to protect your comfort and oral health, including:
- Seeing your dentist for a professional adjustment. Sometimes the simple solutions are best. Your dentist can tweak your dentures so they fit better, or replace them entirely if necessary.
- Trading your dentures for dental implants. Dental implants are anchored to your jawbone, so they don’t slip, move, or shift. They’re also biocompatible and can actually help prevent jawbone loss!
- Considering implant dentures. This is like a combination of dentures and dental implants. Implant posts are placed in strategic locations to effectively hold the denture still.
Awkward dentures can be a headache, but at least they’re a headache you can solve. Visit your dentist every six months to check in on their size and shape, and you’ll be in a good position to have them fixed before they cause problems!
About the Author
Dr. Mohammad Golparvar has over 20 years of experience in dentistry. As such, he’s familiar with what ill-fitting dentures will look like, and can readily identify any issues with your prosthetic. Whether you’re wanting to adjust your dentures or are interested in alternatives like dental implants, Dr. Golparvar can provide convenient and comfortable treatment! To contact his office, call 603-669-4252.