The new year is finally here, meaning that you are likely just getting started with all of the New Year’s resolutions that you’ve committed to implementing into your life. Whether you are looking to eat healthier foods, get more sleep, or read more often, you are taking a step to change yourself for the better. Another great thing for you to include is your regular dental checkups. Continue reading to learn why now is the perfect time for you to schedule your next appointment.
Fully Maximize Your Benefits
For most people who have dental insurance through work or through a private plan, benefits reset at the beginning of each calendar year. Now that 2022 has started, you are responsible for paying your deductible again. However, once you meet this amount, you don’t need to worry about paying it again until next year. If you have multiple dependents on your insurance plan, getting your deductible over with early in the year can help to avoid unnecessary surprises later on.
Prevent Future Dental Issues
To set yourself up for success for the rest of the year, a good first step is seeing your dentist. If they see any signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or other issues, you will be able to have this treated before the new year surprises you with everything it has in store. This will also help to keep small problems from progressing to more severe dental issues that would require more invasive, costly treatments. There is no reason why you should start the new year with a smile that isn’t in optimal shape.
Additional Availability for Appointments
Have you started filling out your planner yet for 2022? Soon enough, it will be filling itself up. The same goes for your dentist’s calendar. When you call ahead of time, you will be able to have additional options when it comes to the days and times of dental checkups for you and your family members. You don’t want to end up putting your visit off because you couldn’t set a convenient time. Try to schedule your appointment as soon as you can so you can ensure that it fits easily into your schedule.
If you don’t have a New Year’s resolution yet, scheduling your next dental visit is a great place to start. This way, 2022 can be the year you set up your smile for success!
About the Author
Dr. Mohammad Golparvar is an experienced dentist who has been working in the field for nearly two decades. He earned his dental doctorate and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study from the Boston University School of Dental Medicine. He has completed the CEREC Doctors Courses Levels 1-6 and regularly participates in various continuing courses across the country. For more information or to schedule an appointment at his office in Manchester, visit his website or call (603) 669-4252.