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Webster Dental Associates of Manchester Blog

4 Tips for Avoiding Dental Implant Failure

March 7, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — websterdental @ 2:13 pm
Senior woman in bathrobe brushing her teeth

Dental implant failure is very rare, but it’s nevertheless a possibility that you need to be prepared for. The care that you give your dental implant posts on a daily basis will ultimately go a long way toward determining how long you can expect them to last. If you want to keep the chances of your dental implants failing to a minimum, you should make a point of following these 4 helpful tips.


What Does It Mean If Your Dental Implant Seems Sensitive?

March 3, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — websterdental @ 3:12 pm
Woman with cup of coffee rubbing jaw due to dental implant sensitivity

A fully restored dental implant may look and feel like a natural tooth, but it’s not exactly the same. It doesn’t contain any nerves, so it isn’t capable of sensing hot or cold temperatures. As such, if it suddenly seems like your dental implant has become sensitive, you’re likely to be very confused about what’s going on. Below is a closer look at what an apparently sensitive dental implant actually means and what you should do about it.


The Differences Between Same-Day and Lab-Made Dental Crowns

February 5, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — websterdental @ 9:45 am

When placed by a qualified dentist, any dental crown should work well for you. You can expect the cap to protect your tooth and hide underlying chips and cracks from view. That said, you should still learn the differences between same-day and lab-made dental crowns before you get treatment. Knowing those facts will help you decide which crown type suits you best. So, here are four ways that same-day and lab-made dental crowns differ.


Did Your Parents Pass Along Sleep Apnea? Genetics Says Yes!

January 6, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — websterdental @ 8:34 pm
Woman frustrated with her husband’s sleep apnea snoring

When someone doesn’t get enough rest, they can become irritable, struggle with brain fog, experience headaches, and – of course – feel tired all the time. So if your beauty sleep is frequently interrupted by sleep apnea, you’d probably like to know what or who is responsible for it! Keep reading to learn how your symptoms might be affected by genetics.


How Can Sleep Apnea Affect Your Age?

December 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — websterdental @ 4:27 pm
man having trouble falling asleep

Does the idea of growing older cause you to feel apprehensive? While there’s nothing you can do to stop the process, researchers have found that living with untreated sleep apnea can actually make you age faster. How is this possible, and what are your options when it comes to reducing your risk?


Sleep Apnea Among the Stars: Celebrities with OSA

November 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — websterdental @ 6:35 pm
Female celebrity walking the red carpet

As you watch TV, movies, or sporting events, have you ever thought that some celebrities seem like they are almost too glamorous to be human? They put a lot of work into projecting that image, but the truth is that they are just like normal folks; they have many of the same struggles and infirmities as the average Joe down the street. For example, many celebrities have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. What exactly is sleep apnea, and who are some stars that have it? This blog post provides some interesting information.


Starting a New Smile: Your First Month with Dentures

October 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — websterdental @ 5:09 am
An older woman looking at her dentures with a hand mirror

If you’ve just gotten dentures, you’ll likely want to use them at once; that’s only natural. Still, remember that you have to adjust to your new replacement teeth first. Your first month with dentures will be especially relevant due to the varied effects and changes. Luckily, your Manchester dentist can help you with this thirty-day adjustment. Here’s a primer on what’ll happen during the first month with dentures and how to adjust more quickly.


How Ill-Fitting Dentures Could Impact Your Comfort – And Your Oral Health!

September 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — websterdental @ 3:49 pm
Dentist checking on a pair of dentures

When your shoes don’t fit, what do you do? Hopefully you replace them as soon as possible to avoid harming your feet!

Patients should follow this line of reasoning when it comes to their dentures, too. It’s easy to think of your oral prosthetic as somehow “different” than, say, a pair of shoes, but ill-fitting dentures can be just as uncomfortable and problematic. Here’s what you might experience – and why you should contact your dentist if you do.


Nurturing Nutrition: Do Dentures Affect Your Diet?

August 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — websterdental @ 3:15 pm
Patient with dentures eating healthy

Getting used to dentures can feel like a whole new world, especially when it comes to eating. While dentures help restore your smile and some of your chewing ability, they can sometimes change how you eat. But does that have a big impact on your nutrition? Continue reading to explore how dentures influence your diet and how you can make sure you’re still getting all the nutrients you need!


All About Timing: Wearing Invisalign for 22 Hours a Day

July 27, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — websterdental @ 5:44 am
Someone holding their Invisalign aligner

One of the main things that distinguishes Invisalign from other forms of orthodontics is the fact that they’re removable. This allows you to enjoy a much richer diet than you could otherwise and opens up new doors in terms of cleaning.

However, it also means that patients are responsible for wearing their aligner enough to see results. Most dentists recommend keeping your trays on for 20-22 hours a day—if that sounds daunting, here are a few things you can do to hit that benchmark.

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